Workshops for Parents

  • Returning to (pleasurable) intimacy postpartum

    Returning to (pleasurable) intimacy postpartum

    Let’s talk about it…

    You deserve more than just

    -getting the all clear at 6 weeks

    -a talk about birth control

    - being told to just relax!

    There are REAL changes that happen postpartum that can affect your intimate life

    -hormonal changes

    -energy levels change

    -pelvic floor changes

    -body image

    -shifts in your relationship with your partner

    These changes can lead to decreased desire, decreased pleasure, pain and discomfort, frustration and feelings that you just aren’t yourself anymore

    BUT that doesn’t have to be the case!

    And it requires more than a glass of wine

    So mark your calendar and register to join me Friday the 14th from 12-1 as I host a FREE workshop on returning to (pleasurable) intimacy postpartum!

    This workshop is perfect for you if:

    - you are about to have your baby (you can never be too prepared!)

    - you were just given the “all clear” but feel apprehensive

    - it’s been several months maybe even years but you still don’t feel like yourself in that department

    To ensure everyone feels comfortable and so we can have candid conversations this is a mothers only event (no partners please) but of course share the info with them after!

    babies always welcomed

  • Gentle Sleep Workshop

    Are you and your family struggling with getting your little one to sleep well? Exhaustion can take a toll on the whole family. This session will provide you with practical solutions, expert advice, and supportive strategies to ensure both you and your baby or young child can enjoy more restful nights.

    Join Courtney, a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach, and one of our postpartum doulas, for a two hour workshop about your child’s sleep. We will go over the basics of sleep and why it is so important, how to formulate a plan for your family, and address specific questions you have in an informal Q&A.

    Upon registration, you will be emailed a short history form so that we are able to get to know a little about your specific issues. We just ask that it be returned to Courtney more than 24 hours prior to the workshop.

    When: Winter date coming soon

    Cost: $125 per family. We do encourage finding childcare so that you and your partner may both attend and participate.

    *If you think your child’s sleep issues are too complicated to be addressed in a group atmosphere, feel free to reach out to Courtney to arrange a private consultation.

  • First Bites

    Join us for First Bites - An introduction to infant self feeding/baby led weaning. This class is taught by Ally Kane OT, CLC, a pediatric occupational therapist, certified lactation counselor, feeding specialist, and owner of Tiny Tots OT.

    In this class we will cover:

    Readiness signs for the transition to solid foods,

    Therapist recommended tools/products for feeding

    How to prepare & present various types of food

    Sensory processing, fine motor skills, oral motor skills, and the role they play in self-feeding

    Tips to combat picky eating

    And much more! 

    Date: Winter date coming soon!

    Cost: $40 (can include a partner), babies welcome. 

  • Coming Soon!

    We’ve got ideas! Check back often or follow us on social media to be the first to know the fun and exciting classes coming winter 2024.

Check back often or follow us on Instagram @Saltwater_Doulas for new pop-ups & events!

This could be you…

Are you interested in hosting a Pop-Up, event, or workshop?

Reach out to see if Saltwater Doulas Perinatal Support Collective would be a good fit for you!